Maj7, Min7, Dom7, Min7b5, Dom7sus4, 7#5, Dim7, Maj6, Min6, Min9, 9, 7b9, 7#9, 13– at least 2 forms for each. These chord forms are in all fourth tuning
maj7, min7, dom7 chord forms
minor 7b5 chord forms
7sus4, 7#5, dim7 chord forms
major 6 chord forms
Major 6 inversion
major 6 and 6/9 chord forms could be played as embellishment of each other. These forms are my favorite. They are beautiful to play in funk
Minor 6, minor 9 chord forms
Dom. 9, 7b9 chord forms. The root of the last 2 7b9 chord forms should be played by your thumb, or you could leave it out
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