Augmented Triad ArpeggiosAugmented Triad Arpeggios
Learn augmented triads arpeggios 1 octave and 2 octaves from any chord tone, root, 3rd or 5th, start from any finger
Learn augmented triads arpeggios 1 octave and 2 octaves from any chord tone, root, 3rd or 5th, start from any finger
Learn diminished triads arpeggios 1 octave and 2 octaves from any chord tone, root, 3rd or 5th, start from any finger
Learn minor triads arpeggios 1 octave and 2 octaves from any chord tone, root, 3rd or 5th, start from any finger
Learn major triads arpeggios 1 octave and 2 octaves from any chord tone, root, 3rd or 5th, start from any finger
Playing open position scale on all-fourths tuning system is much easier because its rememberable shape.
Visualize pentatonic scale on all fourths tuning system is much easier than on standard tuning, based on only 2 simple shapes
All available major, minor and 7th chords for all fourth tuning guitar are shown in this post.
Being able to visualize scale around triads is very handy for improvisation. Triads are the skeleton for scales. When improvising, instead of going up and down the scale, try to
t is super easy to find all octave in all fourth tuning system by moving diagonally 2 or 3 frets